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Silver Premium Membership

£1,000.00 / month with a 7-day free trial
Inludes a 7-day free trial

Gold Premium Membership

£1,500.00 / month with a 7-day free trial
Inludes a 7-day free trial

Platinum Premium Membership

£4,000.00 / month with a 7-day free trial
Inludes a 7-day free trial

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you choose the KPI's for my personalised dashboard?

We start by working with you to see what you believe your KPI’s are. Then we follow this up by analysing your business and the industry you operate in to identify industry standards. Finally we give our recommendations of what your KPI’s within the personalised dashboard should be.

How are consultants paired with my company?

Consultants are chosen by first assessing your company’s team and identifying any knowledge gaps within the team. This could be such as lacking a UX designer who can help you recreate your site/app to be more engaging. By knowing the company’s knowledge gaps ,such as a lack of UX design, we can allocate the appropriate consultant to help grow your business.

Can I integrate my legacy systems?

Absolutely! There are hundreds of different systems we are able to integrate into ours making it easy for you to find all of your company’s information on one site.

Can I submit my own business tactics to the library?

We highly encourage that you do! By businesses contributing their own tactics everyone in the Illuminate community benefits. With every business contributing we are allowed to experiment and validate our hypothesises faster than ever before.

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