Offer Long-Form Content in Return for Email Addresses

Given that over 50 percent of all email is spam, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that people are hesitant to give out their addresses. One way to build trust is to offer an additional incentive, such as a free eBook or access to premium content. This will help encourage people to sign up before giving you the opportunity to nurture new subscribers with quality content.

Use Sumo’s Welcome Mat App to Improve Conversion Rates

We’re surrounded by distractions everywhere we look, and a lead generation page with too much clutter will only leave people confused and frustrated. That’s why you should try using the Welcome Mat app from Sumo to display a full-screen call to action that helps your visitors to stay focused on what matters most. This is a great way to improve the performance of your highest-converting pages.

Make Your Landing Page Hero Image More Relevant

Landing pages are often cluttered with superfluous information and stock images that could be advertising anything. Instead, choose a hero image that highlights the voice of your brand and its unique value proposition (UVP). Always avoid resorting to the cheesy stock images that everyone else seems to be using. This will make your landing page more memorable by exemplifying the unique qualities of your brand.

Optimise Your Landing Page Value Proposition

Every successful marketing campaign is driven by a unique value proposition (UVP), but communicating this to your target audience isn’t always easy. To ensure your UVP speaks to for your audience, and not for your business, you’ll want to test multiple variations until you find what works best. With a clear and concise headline highlighting your UVP, you’ll increase your chances of keeping visitors on the page.

Add Event Invites to Your Marketing Emails

Just because people are signing up to your webinar or other event doesn’t mean they’ll actually get around to attending. Oftentimes, they’ll just forget about it. One way to alleviate this problem is by adding a calendar invite to your marketing emails, which will allow people to add the event to their Google, Apple or Outlook calendars with a single click. This will greatly increase attendance levels for your events.

Make Your Email CTAs Irresistible

The average office worker receives over 120 emails every day, making it harder than ever to get noticed in the busy inbox. Try testing different calls to action in your email newsletters to find out what works best. Use eye-catching design to draw attention to persuasive and benefit-driven content that aligns with that of your landing page. This will result in higher click-through and conversion rates.

Provide PDF Downloads to New Subscribers

The most important marketing considerations for B2B enterprises are authority, trust and professionalism. As the go-to format for eBooks, whitepapers, case studies and numerous other professional documents, PDF files can help exemplify a company’s authority on a subject. By offering an extra incentive in the form of a free PDF download, you’ll be better equipped to fill your sales funnel with high-quality leads.

Optimise Your Instagram Profile Link

Instagram only gives you one profile link, so you’ll want to make the best of what you have available unless you plan to pay for additional links. Try creating a visual link to your website with a custom landing page only for people coming to your website from Instagram. By offering this customised experience, you’ll increase engagement and improve traffic quality coming from Instagram.

Improve Lead Quality with Email Address Filters

If you’re running a B2B enterprise targeting C-level personnel, the last thing you’ll want is a low-quality mailing list full of subscribers who aren’t serious. Try adding a work email filter script so people who sign up need to enter a work email address rather than a personal one. This can help improve the quality of your mailing list by filtering out less suitable leads.